Friday, January 30, 2009

Missing So Many Things...

There are so many thing I miss out on by not having HBO, Showtime or all of those other smutty channels.

But never fear, Larkin has them.

My latest entertainment has been the show about The Bunny Ranch and then last night was a new one for me...A.C. Hookers. (Atlantic City Hookers)

For the most part I feel sad for these girls, but then I totally get over it after hearing their stories and realize they all made a choice to do this for whatever reason.

SO, there was this one particular hooker that had me CRACKING UP! Tia is her name.

She is the top ho of ho-dom. She had a very sad story of starting out when she was about 12 years old. She told her mom she sold candy at school and that is how she was making so much money. First of all, her mother was obviously and idiot. I am pretty fucking sure that I could not outsmart/lie convincingly to my Mother at the age of 12.

Any-ho, she was breaking down the life of being a hooker when she went on to say that she has "Seen some good bitches go down" And then proceeds to talk about how it is hard to rescue someone from the street cause she ain't "Captain Save-A-Ho".

I lost it! Captain Save-A-Ho!

Naturally, I thought of Captain Dumbass and I hitting the being Captain Save-A-Ho, Captain Dumbass' trusty side trick. Yes, let that play on words sink in a little. FUNNY!
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