Tuesday, January 13, 2009

That's What SHE said...

So a few posts ago I was answering some interview questions, which then led to me Jesserviewing Momma Dawg over at her spot…peep it!

While reading some other interviews (must be the month of interviews) on some other blogs I came across the question, “Why did you start blogging?”, which got me to thinking about my own journey to blogging.

Many moons and drunken nights ago I was engaged to a gentleman whom we shall refer to as “C”. As some, or maybe many or none of you may know, I was with “C” for 6 years. During that time there were 3 break-ups. The first two were his doing and the third (and final) was mine.

Break-up #2 was the biggie. It happened about our 4th or 5th year together. It devastated me. I didn’t go to work, I didn’t eat, I didn’t move for an entire week. I had to call my Mom to come and bring me some kind of nourishment, as I had grown quite weak from lack of ingestion. Incidentally, this was about the time that I really started enjoying Ensure. Try it, you will like it!

Also during this time I was diagnosed with anxiety, panic attacks and depression. As you can imagine, that combination was delightful. I was referred to a therapist named Kevin by my wonderful friend, Annie. Kevin's office was part of a church. Though I am a spiritual person, I do not particularly believe that one can pray themselves into feeling better or being better for that matter. Needless to say, I was not thrilled to be going to someone whom I felt was just going to tell me that I need to “pray more” or “be more in touch with the Lord”.

It is safe to say that my preconceived notions were incorrect. Within 30 minutes of our session he had told me, and I quote, “Jessica, you are full of shit.” I love me some Kevin! In sum up, Kevin referred me to a good friend of his who is a Psychiatrist who gave me some beautiful drugs that helped me get all my chemicals back on track.

As part of my therapy (drugs included) I was to start writing. I wasn’t a big fan of the idea of pen and paper, so I looked into this blog thing. The title of my blog “This Life Is Mine” was my way of saying, “This is my life, you can’t destroy it…it is MINE.”

Since that time the meaning of my blog has drastically changed. “This Life Is Mine” now translates into “Check out all this crazy fun we have down here in Savannah! This is my life, yo!”

After therapy and after I started writing my blog, “C” and I did get back together, but it was short lived. After our final break up, a series of things happened, some of which was the loss of my job in Macon and my move 160 miles to Savannah.

I printed off my blog, which contained all of the hurt and anguish I was going through, put it in a memory box and haven’t looked at it since. I deleted all my posts and started over. My blog now starts in January of 2007…incidentally where some really fun and interesting times begin!

That, ladies and gents, is how I came to know bloggerdom. I rarely use my blog to write about heavy mind blowing shit, as I find that focusing on the fun and joys I have in life, it helps take away any trials and tribulations that are part of everyone’s life in general.

Peace suckas! I lurve ya!
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