Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Couldn't Resist

As we know from New Years pictures…see below a couple posts…Bobby gets so very entertaining when he has a few. (such as falling out of cars)

I was emptying the camera and came across these pictures.

I can’t remember when we took these, but I do know we were out drinking and apparently decided to come home and continue to drink on the front porch. This is ALSO the same night that Paul carried Bobby to his bed and when we took his beer away from him he screamed down the hallway, “I WANT MY BAAABAAA!” Which I think what was supposed to come out was, “I want my beer back.” Incidentally, I did give him his beer back, but when I came back to give him his phone, he had already passed out…beer in hand. Professional.

Let us do a photo review:

In this photo...

...we see that Bobby has two shirts on. Neither of which are on correctly. What you can’t tell is that the gray hoodie is on all caddywhompus.

Bobby’s right arm is in the blue sweatshirt, but not the gray one, and his left arm is in the gray hoodie and not the blue sweatshirt. And his belt is unbuckled.

Paul attempted to help him dress correctly. Didn’t really work out.

So we gave up and Bobby went and sat on top of our rabbit ashtray.

I would love to say this is an uncommon occurrence, but we all know that is a lie!

And P.S. I was pretty sure that my Dad made up the word caddywhompus, I have heard the term much of my life. I was laughed at hysterically by Krystal the first time I said it…not knowing this was not a common way to describe that which is fucked up. I would just like to take this moment to note that it is in UrbanDictionary (see link above) and therefore counts as a mainstream word. IN YOUR EYE!
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