Monday, January 5, 2009

New Years - 2008

We once again spent New Years down at Tybee Island. I didn't see Sandra Bullock as I had hoped, but I did see alot of other friends, Miller Lite mainly.

This years players were Frances and Locke, whose house we stayed at on the island, Larkin, Bobby, Krystal and myself.

Hooker cheese Michelle was supposed to meet us down there, but because she is a slut bucket, she left before we were able to meet up. Whoremonger.

First of all we entertained ourselves for about half and hour with a magnifying glass. It really doesn't take much for us.

We hung out at Frances and Locke's for a while...took some pictures of my ass, you know, the normal.

After eating a little bit, we headed down to the festivities, which naturally included karaoke. (Which means "empty orchestra" in Japanese)

We had a plethora of bar pictures...

In typical motherly fashion, Frances attempted to withdraw the presence of beer bottles from our pictures...naturally missing the fact that there is boob grabbage taking place.

Me and Krystal

Frances and Locke

Larkin and Bobby

Frances and Bobby (the woman never has her eyes open, I swear)

Frances and Me. She is so hood...I lurve her.

Bobby and Larkin

I caught Larkin in the middle of a sneeze...HILARIOUS!

Peek a boo? Jazz hands? Who knows?

If you can't do it like this, you just aren't doing it right!

Locke is tripping me out in this one.

Larkin and Frances

After bar'in it up for a few and watching some fireworks on the beach...

We all piled into the back of Locke and Frances' vehicle. This is breading ground for very interesting photos.

So after a few pictures like this:

and this:

and this:

We finally got a semi decent one:

Then we have the car dismount, which had me laughing for approximately 15 minutes.

Note: No beer was harmed or spilled in this exiting technique. We are pros holmes!

And then we close the night with the "Wow, we are loaded you guys!" pictures

This is posed.

This isn't...but whatever it was, it was really, really funny!

LOL, I have no idea what I am looking at.

Wink and a nudge

I was actually kissing Larkin on the cheek, but it looks like I am sucking on the Miller

2 00 9

Monkeys indeed.

Happy 2009 Lovers! Hope it is a good year for you all!

In closing, I would like to give a shout out to the nice lady down at Bank of America. She understood my NSF issues like no other.

Yes, I suck booty hole because I miscalculated my finances. This resulted in FIVE $35.00 NSF charge...which then snowballed. In short, I ended up with $210.00 (TWO HUNDRED and TEN DOLLARS) in NSF charges for two $4.00 purchases (cigs), one $10.00 purchase (gas), one $6.23 purchase (food?) and one automatic with drawl of motorcycle insurance for $38.00.

What that really means is that the $4.00 pack of cigs I bought REALLY cost me $39.00, both times, $45.00 for gas, $41.23 for food and my motorcycle insurance was $73.00.

When I got onto the online chat with ol' BOA yesterday, the kind, but not so helpful lady on the other end was not inclined to credit me any of the NSF charges. (I only asked for two back) She stated that the bank paid these charges for me as a courtesy and they do so in case something "important" is being paid for. I assured her that NOTHING costing $4.00 was "important" and that I would prefer not to have their courtesy since it cost me $210.00. She said that I could not remove this service. (that I did not ask for) What a crock of shit. If I am dumb enough to overdraw my account, then when I swipe my damn bank card just let it be denied!

Anyway, she wasn't much help, so I went down to the main BOA branch at lunch today and spoke to the most wonderful lady there who not only refunded ALL FIVE of my NSF charges, but went back two months and refunded three more that she had found.

WOW, I know that whole story just made me sound like the worst financial decision maker in the whole world, BUT let it be known that these things USED to never happen. I now know that my mental calculating skills are not up to par and will in the future start writing this shit down.

All the same, Bank of America has won me back, even though I feel as though their fee for stupidity is a bit extreme.
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