Monday, January 19, 2009

Weekend Re-Cap

So it is after payday, so of course we had us some good times this weekend! We also added some new people to the crew! Us + Meeting New People = LOVE.

We started off the evening with some drinks and nachos from Moon River Brewery and then made our way to Bay Street Blues to sing!

New Players:




Ivy is Larkin’s friend from back in the day. She is one of the ones that just started a new blog.

Bo just moved to Savannah and is staying with Billie.

Billie is a friend of a friend and also works at Moon River Brewery with that friend.

(Bobby’s friend Stephanie, who works at the pet store with Bobby on the weekends also works at Moon River with Billie.
Bobby and I met Billie on Thanksgiving when we were visiting Stephanie and then me, Bobby and Billie went to the club and we have been keeping in touch via text message.
Now Bo is here and living with Billie so we all decided to go out. Got that?)

At this particular bar you are permitted to write on the walls. We started looking around and discovered that we write on the walls there alot! These writings were from over a year ago.

This one says Brian and Jess and Krystal and Justin BFF 4 Eva and Eva Biatch. HA!

Krystal Hearts Larkin and Jess 2

We have our singing pictures

Our Smoochin Pictures

Then just random pictures...some are quite funny to me!

Towards the end of the night there was the extremely drunk, extremely weird dude that came our way. First he molested Bobby...

Then he drank all of our beer. Literally he snatched all of our beers at out of our hands and chugged them. This is me explaining, "Well, I had a beer like this...and then it was just gone!" And then of course an awesome picture of weird beer stealing guy:

This is Bo's reaction to his beer being drank:

Then strange man said that he would buy us some more beer, but upon requesting said beer he was told they would no longer be serving him due to his high intoxication level. He then proceeded to get kicked out of the bar, only to send in some unsuspecting patrons over to us, telling unsuspecting patrons that we were his friends and that he wanted us to come and get him back in. We declined.

I would like to send a shout out to all my peeps

This was the last picture taken that night...and I believe it is clear that we were at our limit.

But I must close with the boob grab...

So that was Friday night.

Saturday night we were invited out to the local gay club, Club One, by me, Krystal and Bobby's hairdresser dude, Tommy. Tommy was there with his boyfriend, Scott. It is unfortunate, but I did not bring my camera. Booooo on that.

BUT, the story that I have to tell here is that Tommy and Scott are friends with one of the drag queens there. This is Layla.

The drag queen's name in non-drag is Billy. (there are alot of B's in this story! Billy, Billie, Bobby and Bo's, yo!)

So Scott takes care of Billy's wig every four weeks. I was unaware, but wigs require alot of maintenance. Especially when that wig's hair is that high. Anyblah, Billy is a correctional officer at a youth detention center when not doing drag shows. To that I say, "Hummm, interesting." Because he scares the fuck out of me in drag, I can only imagine how huge he is when he is in correctional facility clothing.

The story, ok, ok, so during the show, this queen was doing her thang

when an apparently drunk and rude guest came up and tried to grab her boob? I am not really sure, but there was a haul back and a huge slap across said rude guest's face, followed by rude guest jumping up on stage chasing after Miss Kendall. I blinked my eyes and the next thing I knew Billy/Layla was on top of said perp like white on rice my friends. I have never seen anyone move so quick in heels. There was a take down off the stage, followed by a stern speaking to with finger in face included, followed by being kicked out of the club...but not BEFORE the contents of rude dude's drink was flung all over the still performing Miss Kendall. It was amazing. Best show I have seen yet.

I just can't quit writing this blog. In the middle of me writing I decided to go and look for some pictures that Scott had taken with his phone and I remembered that he said he had MySpace and I don't know if you know, but I have superior stalking, ummm, investigating skills, so I find Scott, find out he doesn't have pictures up of us, but then recall that Billy/Layla is his next door neighbor so I go and look to see if HE has a MySpace (whew, breathe, breathe) and OMG. Oh, my freakin, GAH.

This is Billy:

How fucking cute is HE?!?! I think the issue here is that I am used to seeing him in drag and it is more shocking to see him out of drag than in it. Now THAT is when you know times are changing.

EDIT! I forgot to mention before posting that I was given an award by Gathering Dust...thanks poodle!

I am unable to tag at the moment due to the fact that work would like me to...well, work, so I will try and tag soon!

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