Thursday, January 22, 2009

Beer and Sex TV

Case of beer (24 beers), two people (Me and Larkin) = 3 beers left, 2 clean cat boxes, 1 clean bird cage, followed by American Idol, Katie Morgan Sex Tips on HBO followed by Real Sex - Underwater on HBO. That was what I did last night...what did YOU do?

SO, Katie Morgan (if you have never seen it) does her entire show in the nude. I really think TV should be like this. I can pretty much tell you word for word what she said on that show...I can't do the same with that old lady from Canada, (Sue something something) though I did love her so.

You know what I love about women? Backs and stomachs. This picture right here:

Does wonders for me!!!

See that back, so, so crazy sexy. (can I get a high five Larkin?)

I like stomachs that are like this...

Abs are OK, but I prefer the softer look.

In reality, no one I know actually looks like this!

Instead, you get this:

Yep, that is me sexy dancin with my brother...who actually DOES have nice abs. He also got a tattoo...this is his first one. I think it turned out pretty nice!

Just wait till Mom finds out about THAT! Good thing he lives on a boat 700 miles away from her!
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