Saturday, January 10, 2009

Interview by Kat

I was tagged to do a mini-interview from Kat. I was fresh out of blogging material and Kat came to the rescue! Thanks Kat!! **HIGH FIVE**

1. What is the best thing about living in Savannah?

There are three things about Savannah that I love: beautiful scenery, the beach being 15 minutes away and that it has a big city feel, but no traffic. The trees, parks and downtown are to die for! Just go re-watch Forrest Gump or better yet, peep that new show “Ruby” on the Style network. SO BEAUTIFUL! Tybee Island…not the most beautiful beach in the world, but it is clean, has sand and includes the most important part, the ocean. At any given time, on any given day of the week, there is SOMETHING to do in this town! I live downtown, so most of my activities are spent in the downtown area.

How about I live five minutes away from this...which is River Street...and P.S. that bridge? Keep taking it to the right, you will be in South Carolina by the end of it and then immediately following on the left...that's right...the strip club! What what!

I live about four blocks from Forsyth Park. I LOVE this park!

2. If you could have your dream job what would it be?

My dream job would be to work with Ellen DeGeneres as her assistant. Bobby records her show for us to watch on those nights when we are too broke to go out. She absolutely cracks me up and I am crazy jealous of her staff; I love making connections and getting the hook up. In general, I like meeting new people.

3. What was your proudest moment?

Probably when I purchased my home. I have since sold that house, but it was a grand accomplishment. Another moment that stands out was that one time, 10 years ago, when I scored that 3 pointer in that game.

4. Where is your dream vacation destination and why?

I have had so many lovely vacation destinations…I love me some Seattle, but if I had a DREAM vacation it would be to tour Europe. Not that backpacking shit though…last I checked we lived in a day and age where we don’t have to walk everywhere so give me a train, car or rickshaw, but I ain’t gonna be walkin!

5. If you were stranded on a desert island with one person and one item, what and who would be with you?

Bear Grylls. Hands down. First of all, he is the MacGyver of this century and secondly he has an accent. I would have a keg of beer. Bear would do all the work and I would chillax.

6. Who is your living hero?

Gah, you know what?! I really don’t have one! I look up to a lot of people for a variety of different things. I love funny people. I am a sucker for a good hard knock life to success story. Oh, you know what? Heather Armstrong is my hero. The woman makes a living from blogging. What a life!

You know what? Interviews are fun! Anyone got anything else? Want to be Jesserviewed? I will totally keep this going...holla atcha girl!
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