Friday, January 16, 2009

AWARD! And Hair!

I received an award from Kat! Thanks honey pie snooker doodles!

Rules, rules, always with the rules.

These aren't so bad...I have to tell you 10 honest things about myself. Sheesh, like I am ever dishonest with you guys? Well, there was that one time...

1. I absolutely do not eat vegetables...unless I am around my Mom. However, I do drink V8 whenever possible.

2. I watch Antiques Roadshow on PBS. I am in awe at how much money some of this shit is worth and these people find it at garage sales sometimes! Crazy!!

3. I look forward to opening new files in the office just so I can write on the file folder with that yummy smelling marker. I would like to thank the makers of Sharpie King Size Permanent Marker. Getting high after using your marker really makes my day.

4. I am a spicy food eatin fool. I bought a jar of whole jalapenos. I just eat them straight out of the jar. Makes me cry, sniff and I drink alot of milk, but I just love jalapenos! Did you know they contain 3x more vitamin C than oranges?! OH, yes, totally true! (But oranges don't burn twice)

5. I just put Slim Fast in my coffee and it really tastes good. And I am not using Slim Fast for dieting. I am just a slight bit hungover and very hungry so I asked Larkin for one.

6. I cried four times last year. Once for Bobby's kitten, once for our ferret Dr. Binks, once for Larkin's Mom, and once when I was sloppy, blubbering drunk.

7. I collect arrow heads...points is actually the correct term. My collection is worth a few thousand dollars and I found each and every one of them myself. Unless I am homeless, without beer and starving, I will never sell my collection.

8. I am 8 classes away from finishing my B.A. in Information Technology, but have yet to go back to college to do so. It has been 10 years since I graduated from high school. I hope to get that done before I turn 30.

9. I love to sleep. Even if I am not up till 4 in the morning, I can still sleep well past 12:00, but I can't take naps. If I take a nap I feel worse than I did when I laid down AND typically if I take a nap I end up just sleeping til the next morning.

10. I am a flirt. A big one.

I am tagging the newbies!

Larkin at Still Just Me


Ivy at This is Ivy...Naked.

Oh, hair before:



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