Monday, January 12, 2009

Some Change

I need a change. I get all twitchy every now and then and just have the urge to change. In the past I either moved, got a piercing, got a tattoo, got a haircut, did all the above or went on vacation.

I don’t want to move, I am out of places to pierce (respectively), I don’t have the money for a tattoo and I don’t have the money to go on vacation. So that leaves a haircut. As if it isn’t already short, oh yes, oh yes ma’am I am! I am gonna cut it even shorter! Actually, as far as short goes, it is pretty long. My bangs are down to the tip of my nose and that is driving me nutso!

I don’t actually know who this person is, apparently his name is Garard Way (WAY!) but this drives me KRAZIE!

See how I spelled that with a “K”? That means I am serious and it is waaayyy worse than just regular crazy with a “C”.

So, I am thinking about going for the Natalie Portman this time.

I have a few reservations about the new do…is my forehead gonna look too big? Will my profile look OK? Will my gray hair be uber noticeable now?

I am not even lying about the gray hair…I have been going gray since I was 20, but in the last year it has really taken over. It is really sad when strangers get close to you and take a double take. It blends for the most part, but get your ass up close and you too will be taken aback.

ALSO, Ms. Nat has naturally curly hair, or so it seems, and I have Cher hair. As in, straight.

I also think I might have my bangs a tad smidgen of a bit longer than those in that picture above. Those bangs remind me of that time when I was three and I got a hold of those scissors...

Anyway, if it doesn’t look good it will grow out pretty quick. One of the joys of my hair is it really likes me to spend money on it. Ever since I have started going to get my hair cut at one of those fancy salons, aka “Clip, clip. Thanks, that will be $50.” it grows at an exponential rate.

Let's talk about how American Idol is about to start again. OK, well, that is pretty much all I had to say about it. I love the auditions and I love the fact that it gives us an excuse to go to Larkin and Paul's house to watch it on surround sound and drink and eat. Plus, I am looking forward to peeping that new judge.


Word of the Week: Skankle. Means skanky ho. Love it, use it, apply it.

Now I would like to take a moment to talk about my lil bro, Joe. Joseph is 21 and joined the Coast Guard almost a year ago. He is also a pimp, as evidenced by these pictures:

I taught him well.

He gets to go to really awesome places like Barbados and all over the rest of the Caribbean. He was in the Bahamas and Venezuela. He is stationed in Key West.

He sees this everyday:

But he also sees stuff like this:

and this:

Cause he lives on this:

But I sure do lurve him!

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