Thursday, January 29, 2009

I Am So Out of Things To Blog About!

The set up:

I have a cramped muscle in my lower shoulder from using the shovel to dig Mattaeo’s grave the other day. So I was using the corner of the door frame to dig into my back and massage out the horrific knot that has formed. It will loosen up and then when I sit down and type a little it cramps right back up again.

Larkin saw me doing this and this is how the conversation went:

Larkin: What are you doing?

Me: I have a cramp in my shoulder thingy area.

Larkin: Do you think you slept on it wrong?

Me: No, I think it has something to do with the shovel.

Larkin: Well, that is what you get for sleeping with shovels.

Me: Yeah, but I prefer to sleep with hoes.

Haaaaaaaa! We are here all week folks! It was so much more funny in person.
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