Friday, January 9, 2009

Have a Birthday? We Will Celebrate it FOR you!

Ima tell ya what’s goin on here. We will come up with ANY excuse to party.

It starts off with something normal like, “Oh, today is Angela’s birthday! Let’s (the firm) go celebrate!” YAAAAYYYY! SO we do, and then someone [from our group no doubt] is all like,

“Ohhhhh, let’s go to Blaine’s to sing karaoke!”

And then everyone is like, “Yeah, yeah! Let’s go!”

And then we end up being the only ones going.

The birthday girl never even made it to Blaine’s.

Does this halt our celebratory spirit?! NAY! We actually get MORE vulgar and take even MORE retardiculous pictures!

No really.

I am used to some boob/butt grabs, but these…wow. Call me crazy, but I think we have some pent up sexual energy in the group. Beware: there is much child like sexual innuendoish shenanigans to follow.

First up we have the group.

The birthday girl is on the far left…that is Angela…everyone say hey to Angela! And then there is Beverly in the baby blue shirt there…but she has made an appearance here before…all the same, HEY BEVE! And all those other twats in the picture…well, you know who they are.

The giggles that were conjured up over this picture…

Did you know that yesterday was Elvis’s birthday?! Bobby and I did our tribute:

Two of my favorite tards in the world:

This series of pictures was really quite entertaining. It went like this:

“Ok, everyone together, let’s take a picture!”

“Ohhh, guys, you all fucked it up!” “Do it again!”

“GUYS!!! STOP, really, take a good one!”

“OK, Jess, Bobby, you guys posed way to hard core on that one…and Krystal, you still look goofy…one more time”

“FINALLY! Gah, I swear you guys are the biggest fuck-wits I know!”

I honestly do not know what I was trying to pull off in this picture…

I believe it was another gangsta pose that went horribly wrong and somehow transformed me into looking like I Dream of Genie lady. All the same the vulgarity starts…now.

Wait a tick, let me introduce you to my most favorite transgendered person I know! And I only know two and this one is my favorite…ignore whatever it is that I am doing and look behind me…

That is Dawn and I LOVE DAWN! Dawn is class. One of the classiest broads I have ever met. And she makes a killer dirty martini! Speaking of dirty...let’s get back to being dirty, shall we?

Bobby and Larkin “talking”

OK, I think that is all the not-so-tasteful ones.

On to the ones that make me go WTF?

And now for the theme of the night… “Jump into someone’s picture!”

(This is my ode to The Beatles)

I am most certainly feeling it this morning. I have an ouch in my head and ouch in my knee…from doing my rendition of the Dirty Dancing tune "(I've Had) The Time of My Life"…Bobby and I still haven’t got that lift down, but damn if it doesn’t put a smile on everyone’s faces to see us try!

And keeping with tradition, I sign off and look forward to a day of beer shits and a Whopper from Burger King. Loves!

P.S. Oh yeah! And we met a Scottish dude while we were outside smoking. He told Larkin she “add sum mah-geck boobs-ah”

(Please go re-read that line with your BEST Scottish accent)

Translated, he said, she had some magic boobs. It is because she is always doing stuff like this:

That is Larkin singing or something, but more importantly, she is using her boobs as storage. Magic boobs.
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