I can't say enough about family!
Yesterday I went to Jacksonville to visit my brother Joseph.
(I love how my head is all squished up in that picture)
He is actually stationed in Key West, but has a short tour in Jacksonville. Jax - 2 hour drive, Key West - a million hours.
The drive started out pretty rough as we drove through about 2 hours of hurricane winds and rain. OK, it wasn't REALLY a hurricane, but it was raining cats and dogs. The Jeep doesn't do so hot in that amount of water on the road.
We finally make it to Jax and meet up with my cousin Kristi (whom you may read about in the previous post) at our hotel.
After a brief fresh up we headed to Mayport to pick up the bro. That turned into an extra 30 minutes of trying to find him at a mall that I was certain did not exist. As Kristi said, "Don't you hate it when people say "You can't miss it!" and then you totally do?" We did eventually find him, met some of his hoes (he is one of those different girl every day of the week kinda guys. P.I.M.P. - just like his sis) and then made a bee-line for downtown Jax. Since the day he was expelled from our Mother's uterus, I have been looking forward to the boy turning 21. This weekend was FINALLY our weekend to toss one back together! (he has been 21 since July, but I haven't seen him since February of earlier this year)
We were trying to make it to this place called Metro. I was awesome enough to print off directions, but failed to realize that I MAY NOT be coming from the hotel...and indeed, I was coming from Mayport.
After taking a complete tour of downtown and the ghettos of Jax we finally had the genius idea to call the place and get directions. Needless to say, we FINALLY made it!
This was shortly after we had our first sip of our first beer.
Damn good lookin family if you ask me!
Not even 10 minutes after that picture was taken some girl OD'd on the dance floor...complete with puking up blood and convulsions. Joseph, being a certified nursing assistant and former firefighter was able to render first aid. I stayed with my beer watching for the first little bit, until I realized she had quit breathing and then went over to assist the bro with CPR. THANKFULLY, about the time I was getting ready to get on the floor, she coughed and puked up more blood. It was lovely. Her girlfriend/fiance was acting pretty odd considering the situation...she kept on trying to pick her girlfriend up off the floor when it was quite obvious she was very ill. I kept asking her girlfriend/fiance what she took and she kept insisting that she was only drinking. I TOTALLY understand not wanting to say that you OD'd on drugs and stuff (some of you that know me are laughing at this statement right now...and for those of you that don't know me, it isn't for reasons you think, however, it IS hilarious) SO, I hover over the girl on the dance floor helping hold her down during one of the million seizures she had and waited on the paramedics. NOW, I am not sure if they googled their directions from the wrong direction too, but it freakin took FOREVER (it seemed) for them to get there. They finally did...and according to the bar dude, she will live.
After that was over and I went and bleached my body from cooties, I was totally ready for some more drink! We decided to explore the place and came across a drag show!
(We met Reba)
(Joseph's face is tripping me out!)
We assisted the queens in their singing
And damn did we do good! (as you can tell from the pictures)
We also decided that this was the best way to give/accept tips. Don't worry, it didn't ACTUALLY touch anything in my mouth.
After that it was off to dance...
And dance...
And dance...
And discuss our dancing skills
And dance...
And give high fives!
And dance...
And pose with half naked people
Which naturally leads us to get partially naked
(Gotta remember to suck it in more)
A cheeeeeser!
Then we have our end of the night poses outside the club:
(We don't know this guy on the left...)
And then we sleep.
And I leave you with the inevitable boob grab picture