Friday, October 24, 2008

I Have A Semi-Mostly Famous Cousin!

I don't think I have ever told you guys about my awesomely awesome cousin, Kristi.

She is the second cousin I ever had in my life (not my 2nd cousin, but like the number two cousin that was born into my life) We are about 6 years apart in age, lived in different towns, went to different schools and were obviously at different points in our lives, age wise, growing up. i.e. when I was 18 and ready to party like a rock star, Kristi was only 12-13 years old. BUT we saw each other pretty often, Christmas, Thanksgiving and I even babysat for them for a while.

These days we are all grown up. Last night I got a text from Kristi saying that she was playing some Collective Soul and thought of me. As we know, Collective Soul is only the most bestest band in the world and I love them almost as much as mac and cheese!

Pertinent information to this story would be to tell you that Kristi entered a radio station contest to become their next HOT DJ, and of course she won that shit, so she was actually on the air when she called.

It is important to note that we were playing Rock Band 2 at Larkin's house, which usually includes a pretty hefty amount of beer. The radio station also does live streaming on their website, so I tuned in. This segued into me asking what number to call to request a song or two (also keep in mind Kristi is DJ'ing in Valdosta, Ga...which is about 3 hours from Savannah) which then led to me calling and requesting some songs.

I believe the convo went something like this:

Kristi: HELLO, Hot 102.7!

Me: [vally girl voice] Oh. My. GAH! Like, hey! I totally wanna request a song for me and my friends, like, can we do that?!?

Kristi: [vally girl voice] Oh. My. GAH! You totally can! What do you wanna hear?!?

Me: [yelling at everyone in a drunken voice] Hey fuckers! What do we want to hear?!?

We decided on T.I. - Whatever You Like and Madonna - 4 Minutes

Needless to say, my requests were put on immediately.

SO, I am going to see my handsome brother, Joseph, the one who is in the Coast Guard, this weekend in Jacksonville. I am trying to get Kristi to meet us down there too!

Kristi and I are obviously related...I mean, we are first of all the most hilarious people I know and SECONDLY we share the same last name. Last but not least, we were the only two girls on that side of the family for quite some time...we really do have to stick together. Toooooo many stinky boys. FO SHO.

The last bit of news I have for ya is that I got my flu shot yesterday. Despite what The (Soon To Be Not) Office Mate had to say about it:

(Mass e-mail sent out to office)

Me: Thursday afternoon Joe has arranged to have a nurse come to our office to administer flu shots. Normally the shots are $30, but the price has been lowered to $20. Having your flu shot is your best bet for avoiding the flu this season!
Because the nurse is going to be coming to us, it is important that I have a head count of who is interested, otherwise it won't be worth the visit. Thanks!!


(The next day's mass e-mail)

Me: The flu shot people are on their way...just letting you guys know!

The (Soon To Be Not) Office Mate: Fuck off.

From what I gather, she doesn't care for shots, but the worst of it isn't the shot at all. Not even those dead little flu strands being pumped into your arm muscle...NO, I tell you what the worst part is: putting on deodorant the next morning. First of all, it feels like someone punched you in the arm (better than having the flu any day, I say) and that muscle they inject into apparently runs under your armpit, so it actually HURTS to put on deoderant! I was all OUCH OUCH OUCH and then laughing because that is the LAST activity of the day that I could imagine would cause me pain.

All the same, don't be all diseased up...go get your flu shot.
This has been a pubic (hehe pubic) service announcement. I am Jess and I approve this mess. (too bad my name isn't Jitt, then I could say my name is Jitt and I approve this shit!)

I am a tard.

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