Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Creative Vocabulary

This lovely compilation of words is a regular part of my vocabulary on any given day.

Creative name calling…brought to you by my fellow GS’s (see first word on list), Larkin, Magan and Michelle.


And me, Larkin and Michelle

1. Gutter Slut
2. Mooseknuckle
3. Cumguzzler
4. Cumdumpster
5. Mattressback
6. Hoeface

7. Hoemouth
8. Hoebucket
9. Jankem mouth
10. Jankem face
11. Jankem ass
12. Stankmouth
13. Wanker
14. Biznitches
15. Wench

16. Slutbucket

Feel free to use these words in your everyday vocabulary and see how much fun it is!

Also, please add your own creatively distasteful words!
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