Friday, October 17, 2008

Still Good People In The World

Two days ago I went out to the Jeep to find this attached to the windshield:

It says:

Gold Camry GA Plates - 5314AEB (or maybe S314AEB)

That car hit your car at 4:45. They ran into the back and hit your tire...I don't know if theres any damage.

Now how freakin nice was it of that person to leave me a note about that terrible driver in the gold Camry? (I can't help but correct your grammar though... there is or there's) There are still awesome people left in the world!

The Jeep has quite a large tire on the back of that would no doubt scuff the fuck out of your hood if you hit it. Jeeps are also quite resilient, therefore it would really take a good hit to cause any damage. NEVERTHELESS, Gold Camry, you should have left a note you bastard. And just so you know, I got my eye on you!

Coming soon: really, really great pictures of our TWO trips to Blaine's this week. Tuesday was complete with me and Bobby doing our rendition of the Dirty Dancing routine danced to "Time of Our Life"...I am hoping and praying that someone got a good picture of our "lift". We shall see when they are sent to me.

And last night at $10 beer bust there was some awesome photo ops. Or perhaps I was just drunk and thought they were awesome. Either way, should be some good viewage.

The occasion was that my dear friend Jenny and her husband, John, were in town for the week. We. Had. A. Blast.

I do have a tiny story to tell. John, Jenny's husband, is one of those people that always has shit happen to him. Last year, at this time, when they came to visit John was riding his bicycle and got hit by a car. Scuffed him up pretty good, but to hear the story from him it was hilarious. THIS YEAR, he got mugged. At gunpoint. By four men. Not quite as funny. BUT, WTF?!? How does this shit always happen to him? They pistol whipped him pretty good too. Got less than $100, but thankfully he wasn't killed. I really hope he doesn't try to one up his experience next year when they visit! :)
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