Friday, October 3, 2008

The Morning After

I swanee! Who ever the FUCK decided to do Beer Bust at Blaine’s on Thursdays needs to be castrated and kicked in the throat. I cannot say no to all you can drink beer for $10 and I cannot keep coming to work on Fridays with a one man band, complete with trombone and a full drum set, in my head. And to top it off, they lure me with karaoke too!! Bastards.

In other news, I woke up this morning an there were two men sleeping on my couch. Thankfully I know them both, but I don’t remember the second party meeting up with the first. Drunk? Why, yes I was! Thanks!

I had two breakfast burritos from McDonalds for breakfast this morning and let me tell you…those things are blessings from the beautiful heavens above! OMG! They were sooooooooo good! Though, I am wondering, perhaps they tasted so good because A) I didn’t eat dinner last night or 2) I am so severely hungover this morning that horse shit would taste good, as long as it had the right amount of grease in it.

(I really hope you caught the lettering/numbering thing, cause it made me laugh)

Alright kids, I am going to get to work now. Or at least go smoke a cigarette.
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