As you know, Larkin and Paul bought Rock Band. We have been totally enjoying their purchase of this awesomely fun game! So, naturally, we invited them over on Friday night to play at our house. It was supposed to be me, Larkin, Paul, Krystal and Bobby…but then Bobby’s cousin Andy said he was coming into town, which then led to the appearance of Barry, his significant other and then by that point John had spoken to Bobby and so he showed up, then after that happened Krystal decided to call Chita and Adam.
So now we have 9 people. A little later on we had Leslie and Michelle join as well! (our people totaled 11)
Unbeknownst to us, the next door neighbor is having a birthday party. I swear to you, there were no less than 100 people that came to that guy’s party! There were taxis’s everywhere! There were people walking down the street, our parking lot was packed! At least 50 of his party guest ended up on our porch, upon which time we had to kindly explain that the party they were ACTUALLY looking for was next door, but we welcome them back any time.
That is actually where we went wrong because 1) next door was charging $5 per person to get in and 2) there were so many people that either they couldn’t get a drink AND/OR couldn’t get to the bathroom, therefore, our house was the hot bathroom spot.
So now we have pictures with random people in it.
We do not know the guy in the blue hat.
We do not know who this blonde girl is.
The evening ended somewhere around 3:00am and there was partial nudity by the end of the night. You know THAT means it was a good party!
Here we show an art form I would like to call "Progression of Underwear"
Notice full coverage, butt floss and full moon. I would like to thank the participants, Bobby, Chita and Krytal for taking part in this rare, butt wonderful art form.
I will say that we had a successful gathering…especially for a party that wasn’t even supposed to happen!
End Friday night celebration drink tally:
60 beers
1.75 liters of Grey Goose Vodka
(Remember that bottle of vodka I got for my birthday? The one with 1.75 liters of vodka (aka .46 of a gallon), yes, that one, remember it?!? There is like two shots left of that.)
Me - Vogue!
Krystal, Bobby, Chita and Larkin
Bobby and Me (my shirt is wet because the rain was dripping from the roof ledge)
We make good gargoyles!
Chita, Adam and Krystal
Bobby and Paul doing cheerleading moves? Who knows, but it is hilarious!
So we get up on Saturday morning around 10:30am. Naturally we are starving to death, so we grab some grub and get all the animals fed and cleaned and fixed up because we are going to be heading to Tybee Island for the night/ rest of the weekend to celebrate Pirate Fest! Yay! We get down to Tybee around 2:00 and drinking commences once more.
The Marshall Tucker Band was supposed to play at Pirate Fest, but it got rained out.
Does that stop our party?!? NAY! We continue to drink at Frances and Locke’s house. We played cards, laughed and just had a wonderful time! Nothing like having a mini-vaca 20 minutes from your own home! It is just something about being close to a beach and being on the island in general that makes you feel worlds away! We went to bed around 1:00am.
End Saturday night celebration drink tally:
30 beers
1 shot a piece of Absinthe (taken between me, Bobby and Frances) (I don’t suggest it)
Krystal, Me and Bobby (toothpick in mouth like a true Southern (drunk) Gal!
Frances cooking
Locke cooking
Bobby and Krystal drinking
Sunday morning we got up around 10:30 (unless you are Frances, she got up around 11:30) and had some coffee, smoked some cigs and read the paper. This is where Sunday starts getting a little rowdy. We came across a Best Buy sales paper. They are having 3 years, no interest with the purchase of any of their entertainment devices i.e. plasmas, LCD, gaming systems…the works.
After having just one more beer at 1:00pm, we head out to Best Buy.
Two hours later we are the proud owners of a 42” LG LCD 1080p flat panel TV, all the cords to make that damn TV work in HD, an X-Box 360 and a Katy Perry CD.
This is the box it came does not fit into a 2000 Mazda Protege with ease of any sort. We ended up having to put it halfway in the front seat, halfway in the back seat and roll down the windows in order to get that effin thing to fit!
Here she is in all her beauty! (the sheets on the floor are to keep my cat Boo Boo from chewing on those $100 HD cords)
Sunday evening activities included inviting Larkin and Paul over to play Rock Band, again, but this time on our NEW TV!! Well, I actually needed Paul to come over to help me set up the TV…and we wanted to play their Rock Band too. It was a two fold process that benefited everyone! We went to bed around 12:00.
End Sunday night celebration drink tally:
24 beers
Drinking tally this Friday through Sunday: 114 beers, 1.35 liters of vodka, 3 shots of Absinthe and a HELUVA good time!!!!
In sum up, I would like to say that in honor of Deb and Madelene we all had a great time and will totally be enjoying that new 42” LCD, X-box 360 and Katy Perry CD we bought you for your wedding gift!!
I will end this blog with the ever present, never missed, always enjoyed boob shots!