Monday, October 20, 2008

Weekend Review

This weekend was spent mostly spent on business, but fear not, much pleasure was had as well!

Friday night was Office Mate Debbie’s (thank goodness she is finally going away) going away party. Alas, she is leaving us (ME IN PARTICULAR) to move to far away lands (Maryland) to be with her love. (PUKE) I am not bitter about it or anything. Anyblog, we had a party to celebrate on Friday night. We successfully got Debbie drunk and that is all that I care about!

Debbie - I will miss you more than words can say. I wish you weren’t going, but such is life! Don’t worry, I will still be drunk dialing you.

So I had to get up at 9:00 on Saturday (unheard of and ungodly) to get ready to go to Greensboro, North Carolina. Joe (the boss man) in addition to being an awesome attorney, also owns other businesses, one of which being a mobile imaging business called OnSite Medical Imaging. I would like to plug my girl here and say that Krystal is the webpage maker for OnSite…and of course if you want to check out the next animator for Pixar, feel free to peep her awesome animations here!

OK OK, enough plugging, so our mission is to pick up a van which is carrying an ultrasound machine. Said van is in Asheboro, North Carolina.

SO, I gather up Krystal and Larkin and we head down the road in Joe’s F-150 extended cab. This truck is quite awesome. Drives very nice and is really comfortable! I wish I could afford the gas, tires and general maintenance on a vehicle that size, because I would totally have one!

We travel from Savannah to Greensboro, NC which is pretty much at the Virginia border. We are meeting a lady here to pick up the keys for the van which, as stated before, is in Asheboro. Greensboro (lots of ‘boro’s in NC) is about 45 minutes NORTH of Asheboro, so we actually passed Asheboro, where the van is, in order to get the keys from this lady. Get said keys, go BACK to Asheboro, pick up said van.

This van is a deathtrap on wheels. It is a 1999 Ford Windstar, which isn’t horrible looking, but oh how looks can be deceiving. First of all, the tires… Because my Daddy raised him a proper southern gal, the first thing I did before driving this vehicle was check the tires for wear and tear, as well as tire pressure. There are four different tires on this van. All four tires were at about 15-20 psi. Each of these tires were SUPPOSED to be anywhere from 44-65 psi. I had to put money in the tire air pumpy uppy machine TWICE in order to fill up all the tires. Two of the tires were also balding. Eh, no worries, I only have to travel 450 FUCKING MILES BACK TO SAVANNAH! Whatever.

So after addressing the tire problem I start checking out the rest of the vehicle and discover that the passengers side window doesn’t roll down, the passengers side mirror doesn’t work and the vehicle has no heat. I would like you to keep in mind that I just travelled from Savannah where it was a lovely 75 degrees and I was in a t-shirt and jeans. I am now in North Carolina where it is about 55 degrees and I am freezing my ass off. Again, I repeat…no heat.

After picking up the van we head to Charlotte because this is where our hotel has been booked for us. It is a very cold 1 ½ hour drive to Charlotte. Thankfully we got hooked up at the Marriott, settled in and discovered there was a Dave & Busters a mere 3 exits from our hotel. I had to take a shower to thaw out, but after that, we got dressed and headed down for some drinks and entertainment!

Entertainment indeed!

That place is pretty much the most awesome place on earth. Food, beer, arcade, bowling and sports on giant TV’s. Really, what more could one want in life?!? We drank and played games, ended up getting about 3,000 tickets or so. We all got t-shirts and bought the boys (Paul and Bobby) koozies.

The next morning I got up around 10:00 or so and went to check out the continental breakfast. This breakfast was like none other I had ever seen. They had sausage, eggs, biscuits, gravy, cereal, pancakes, waffles, hash browns, all the juices you could think of, and coffee…it really was amazing. I am so used to staying at the Ho-Jo where you get a piece of toast, no butter and a bagel that has been sitting out for three days. This breakfast was off the chizzy! So naturally I had to go wake the girls up to tell them to check out this amazing food display. They were equally as impressed.

Nothing much exciting happened on the trip back home…as is evident from my picture taking.

Let’s see…we have me driving…

We have them driving in front of me

We have flowers

We have ultrasound shit in the back of the van that made all kinds of noise every time I hit a bump or turned

Got back to Savannah around 5:30 or so, but had to take Larkin home, take the van to the medical office, take the truck back to Joe’s house and then get my car and take it home. All in all it took till about 8:30 before we finally got in the house. We crashed on the couch with Bobby, watched The Simpsons, Desperate Housewives, Brother’s and Sisters and the Red Sox v. Rays game. Oh and of course drank us some Keystone.

And that my loves was my weekend. I am so glad that van didn’t kill me.
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