Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Upon randomly discussing, with Larkin, the lack of male escort service in the world, Larkin suggested we come up with one ourselves. I went ahead and wrote the news article for when we got arrested:

Local Secretaries Arrested for Illegal Male Escort Service

Pimptastalicious Larkin and Pimp Hand Strong Squita arrested in the early morning hours, still enjoying a nice, cold Miller Lite and singing the once popular rap song "Shoop" by Salt N Pepa. Both deny any wrong doing and state, "Our service provides a hole in one, poke and run option, which many of our customers prefer over the 15-30 minute standard that happens in most couples bedrooms in America"

On another note, Krystal and I went to our favorite Thai food place on Saturday and got a giggle out of the wrapper that the chop sticks came in.

First one reads, punctuation, capitalization and all (NOTE: we were at a Thai restaurant)

Welcome to Chinese Restaurant.
Please try your Nice Chinese Food With Chopsticks the traditional and typical of Chinese glorious history.
and culture.

I was already giggling at the front and then I turned over to the back and the ending of step number three just had me rolling:

"Now you can pick up anything"
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