Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Real Quick...

Been pretty damn busy lately...as usual really! So I am going to hand you off to another blog to read, but don't worry, it is all about me, which is what every blog should be about. HA!

You can go here to read about Kat's visit. EPIC.

Speaking of EPIC, we had Bobby's going away party this weekend. I think I forgot to mention that Bobby is leaving. HEY GUYS! Bobby is leaving Savannah! He got his own store in Fayetteville, North Carolina (not to be confused with Fayetteville, Georgia, Fayetteville, Kentucky, Fayetteville, Arkansas, Fayetteville, New York or Fayetteville, Tennessee. Apparently every time he said he was moving to Fayetteville, another State came up. i.e "OH! You are moving to Fayetteville, New York!?")

Anyboo, Bobby got his own pet store up there. Not Pet Smart. Another pet store chain that he has worked for for almost 6 years, that is much more awesome than Pet Smart.

All I know about the party is that I went to bed at 4:00am, someone burned a hole in my couch, spilled a beer on the carpet, two people puked in my bathrooms (one of them was Krystal, so it is OK if she pukes in her own toilet), one person passed out in my guest room and someone decided it was OK to forego the bottle opener and open their beer bottles on my counter top, which resulted in chunks of counter top being taken out. Not awesome. HOWEVER, it IS indicative of a REALLY fun party! Hopefully the damages will be paid for by the offenders. I know who they are...not a friend of mine, so I won't hesitate to cut a bitch if I have to!

Somewhere there are pictures of this event...I will track them down.

Second order of business is that there is a category three hurricane heading towards Savannah. Soooo, I am leaving. Well, not cause of the hurricane, I am actually totally bummed that I am missing it. We already had our New England trip planned. I will be leaving tomorrow after work and will be back before September!

Love you all! XOXO!
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