Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Our Journey!

I actually thought our adventures were going to be WAY more journeytastic with that bitch Irene on our ass, but as it turns out, she didn't ruin much for us. We didn't get to go to D.C., but making the decision to stay in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania was probably a better idea anyway! What a great town! I am getting ahead of myself though...

Krystal and I left on Wednesday, August 24th at 6:00pm (I felt like I was just announcing the birth of a baby) and set out to drive as far as we could. Our destination: Rhode Island. We made it to Richmond, Virginia around 1:10am, apparently right as another earthquake was hitting, but I didn't feel a damn thing. Maybe I did and was way to jacked up on coffee to know if it was my coffee jitters or the earth crumbling beneath me. Eh. So, we got about five hours of sleep and hit the road the next morning around 6:00am.

Things were going pretty swell until we hit New York, which for no reason that I could discern, (it was the middle of the day on a Thursday) was highly congested with traffic heading north. One would think that maybe people were evacuating, but if they were 1) they were doing it about 3 days early and 2) they were going the wrong direction. So, we stayed at a pretty steady 45 mph speed allllllll they way to Connecticut. So what was intended to be a 7 hour drive took us about 12 hours. It isn't really that bothersome...especially since we were at the beginning of our trip and we both enjoy travelling...however, I was a little worried that we were holding our friends in Rhode Island up.

Our friends in Rhode Island...Rachelle and Gary. Actually, this is the first time I have ever met Gary and only the second time I have met Rachelle, but Rachelle and I have "known" each other for 12 years. TWELVE FUCKING YEARS! We "met" many moons ago when I somehow came across her blog (now defunct), which was absolutely hilarious, and started making comments. I would imagine many of you are not new to making friends on blogs, but this was in the rudimentary years of blogging, so I say that makes it extra special. I have not a clue how we continued to stay in contact. After Rachelle quit blogging I think was around the time Facebook was making an appearance and perhaps we became friends there? Who knows.

All the same, we finally got to sit down and have some drinks (get drunk) and talk about how bombtastic we are, shoot some pool, meet her husband Gary, meet her kids, step kid and grandkid. OH and she totally made us grilled cheese sandwiches after we decided to leave the bar and head to their house.

I have to say, it is odd to meet someone after so long, knowing all that we know about each other, the good, the bad, the if-you-ever-tell-anyone-about-that-one-time-I-told-you-about-that-thing-I-will-kill-you, the now I know you are REALLY a REAL person...all of it...very strange and yet really great! At one point in the evening, when things were getting a bit interesting with the conversation and the people meeting, I turned to Rachelle and said, "We know wayyyyy to much shit about each other!" She laughed and said that she was having to edit some of her conversations regarding information we have discussed in the past. Information that we probably never thought we would HAVE to edit out of a conversation as our friendship wasn't based on the intention that we would meet one day. However, keeping such awesome apart wasn't meant to be and we have now broken the barrier and hopefully there will be another visit very soon!

Behold, amazingness:

More adventures to come tomorrow!
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