We started our evening off at about 6:00 at Carrabba's for some two for one and since we know all of the staff at Carrabbas (thanks to Krystal and Christine who worked there for some time back in the day) we got highly discounted drinks and food. As in our two for one lasted past 7:00. I heart Carrabba's bartenders.
After Carrabbas we headed home to meet up with Bobby who got off work at 9:00 and then headed downtown to one of our favorite watering holes, Venus De Milo.
As we were sitting there on the lovely couches and chairs they have set up for us, we found a pen and paper! We then decided to start giving some shout outs to blog peeps. Unfortunately, we only got to two of you guys before the beer + writing in the dark got the better of us. I am going to make it my new going out mission to find creative ways to holla at you guys when we are out and about...so if you feel left out, please, shut the hell up and quit your bitchin...gahhh! Just kidding...I heart you!

This is the smirk I get on my face when I have perhaps had one too many Millers.

And for Madonna, because I know you read this blog daily, Bobby really wished you were with us Friday.



Bobby and Angela

Bobby and KK

Saturday I stayed in bed all day...Sunday we cleaned the house and then went to watch that nailbiting Superbowl over at a friends house...
I am NOT getting boob action here...though it appears as though I am. And my hair looks like Conan O'Brien's hair. But I swear it is just a shadow or something.

The whole crew after the game had been won. We were drinking Cristal in celebration. We are all pimp like that. Also, watching the Superbowl on the big pull down screen thing is quite a treat!


Krystal and myself. She is quite lady like...and would also kill me for putting this picture up. Too bad she doesn't read my blog! MUHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAA!