Tuesday, October 20, 2009

RTT : Hi!

Have I ever told you guys that my Mother is a licensed private pilot? She even has her instrument rating and shizzy, which means she can fly all at night and land a plane in complete darkness. She is cool like that.

I still want to get my pilots license, but it is just too darn expensive these days!!

So, it is 59 degrees right now, which equates to feeling like 45 degrees with the humidity and all; it will get up to 71 degrees today. Tonight it will fall back to 51 degrees and THEN, get this, THEN it will be 79 degrees Wednesday! SEVENTY-NINE! Our HIGH on Sunday was 50!!! And I wonder why my nostrils are bleeding and my throat is scratchy.

I am going from air conditioning, to opening windows, to closing windows (I determined that 60 degrees in the house is a bit too cold; especially when you pet one of the cats and their fur is freezing) cranking up the heat, right back to turning on the air conditioning tomorrow. However, I still love the South!

Guess who is coming to visit me? Kat. Yep. Thursday. Gonna freakin rock it out in Savannah! Jealous much?

I am getting my hair trimmed up tomorrow morning. I am thinking a medium bob:

I can't believe my hair is getting that long! What is gonna be fun is shaving it back off again! I will probably let this hair grow for another year before I do it.

I think that completes RTT! Love ya! Mean it!
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