Monday, October 19, 2009

Not So Mundane Monday!

In order to relieve the receptionist during lunch most of the secretaries take shifts to cover the phones. This month it is my month to cover Mondays. This is being said because normally I do not have the horror pleasure of answering phones, but sometimes I am fortunate enough to get an interesting phone call during my hour of covering.

Part of the receptionist duties is to screen phone calls, which goes like this:

Answer the phone

Caller: "May I speak to [attorney]?"

Answerer of Phones: "May I ask who is calling?"

Got it? Pretty standard. OK of the attorneys here at the firm has a friend from law school that calls every now and then and I have had the absolute shocking pleasure of getting this answer when I ask who is calling:

"Yes, please tell him this is his Enzyte representative calling and his test results are in"

And another time a few months ago:

"Yes, this is Glamor Shots, please let him know his photos are ready."

HILARIOUS! I about fell out of my seat both times! I love when something like that breaks up the monotony!
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