Monday, October 26, 2009

Weekend Over, Week Begin

The weekend was quite restful! Not saying we didn't have us a few brewskies and all, but we did it all from home! I got to add another book to my LibraryThing (bottom of this page to the right) P.S. Your Cat Is Dead. Pretty dark comedy, little off the cuff, but overall entertaining book. That was Saturday's read.

We also rented a few movies:

1. The Proposal. I about busted a gut laughing at this one! Pretty well written movie with a continuous flow of comedy! Rent it!

2. Year One. Dumb comedy, but pretty funny. I enjoyed the parallels with the Bible i.e. Cain and Able, Sodom and Gomorrah. Modern History of the World kinda movie. Typical Jack Black comedic style, so rent it if you enjoy his comedy.

3. Monsters v. Aliens. I wanted more from this movie, but it had some pretty funny parts. Not NEAR as good as Toy Story or Monsters, Inc. though. Debatable rental.

4. X-Men Origins: Wolverine. I REALLY enjoyed this movie. I have never read the comics, and the people that do have told me that it didn't follow the story correctly, but to them I say POO cause I was totally into the movie from the beginning. Great action, great story line, easy to keep up with and really cool mutants with nifty powers! RENT IT!

And lastly, a movie so forgettable that I had to stop this post, walk home for lunch and go through the movie stack to remember what we watched...

5. Land of the Lost. Yeah. No. DON'T RENT.

In addition to the weekend, the Bobz parents stopped by Saturday night for a short visit.

We also had a 19 year old puking in the bathroom for the better part of four hours.

"I don't puke." says he.

"You can't drink wine like water" says I.

"Give it a 20 minute rest", I say again a little later.

30 minutes later was the tell-tell swagger step to the bathroom. In his defense, he had a HORRIBLE day which, in the end, has left him homeless, at no fault of his own. (Slumlords were busted for inhabitable conditions in the place he rented)

Speaking of homeless. I was sitting in the Bobz room smoking a cig (he has a door in his room, which we prop open for smoking time) and a homeless man comes through our gate, up on our porch and makes his way to a wooden locker that contained some items that the previous tenant had left. It was such a shock that this would happen in broad daylight, with our door OPEN WIDE that all I could say was "HEY! Get the fuck off our porch!"

The man was obviously out of his mind, figuratively and physically, as all I got was a dazed look and a slow walk back down the steps and out the gate. His movement was so slow that it prompted me to yell out "Bobby!!! Get the gun!!!", which of course throughly confused Bobby since we actually don't OWN a gun, however, it was convincing enough for the homeless guy to skedaddle at a faster rate and yell, "No! Don't get a gun!!"

Turns out he had already stolen most of the items in the locker, which were a few old, dusty, moth eaten coats and shirts. He was coming back to get the rest of the grab. CREEPY!! Goes right back to my point that people will take ANYTHING. The saddest part is that there is a homeless mission one block away and another homeless clothing mission a block in the other direction. There is ALSO a Salvation Army about 4 blocks away. Get the HELL OFF MY PORCH!!!
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