Friday, October 30, 2009


I am craving Mexican, sushi, oysters (steamed), BBQ and boiled peanuts. And I swear I could eat it all in the same sitting.

I went to sleep last night trying to figure out the best driving route to obtain all of these things and it appears that I am, indeed, going to have to eat most of these items at different times and locations.

I can get the Mexican and sushi at the same time because my favorite Mexican food place is right next door to a sushi restaurant.

I can get the BBQ and boiled peanuts in the same trip as the BBQ place is just down the road from the guy with boiled peanuts.

The oysters...that is going to be the one that is going to have to wait a tick. The best place to get oysters is going to be The Crab Shack and that is down on Tybee Island. And you can't JUST have oysters there, you have to get the platter. The platter means war. The way you have to attack it is a very strategic operation. After you are finished you need a shower and I am totally serious about that; you are DRIPPING in drawn butter and crab leg juices.

I am starting with Mexican food for lunch today. We will see how the rest of the weekend goes! See ya on the flip side...10lbs heavier!
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