Thursday, October 15, 2009


This work thing is crap! Totally cutting into my blog writing/reading time!

It is finally Fall...which means two things.

1) Savannah is going to have perfect weather until about February. Then it gets cold for two months. Then it gets perfect again for two months and then we fry in deathly heat and humidity for three months...but back to it being perfect weather. Ahhh, so nice outside! *NOTE* - On December 25th of last year, yes, Christmas, I was in shorts and a t-shirt sitting outside on my porch enjoying a Christmas brew. It was AWESOME! I love the South!

and finally

2) Savannah Greek Festival. I am in bliss! I had Greek for lunch today, I will be having it tomorrow for lunch and just might have it for dinner at some point this weekend too! You haven't had Greek food until you have it down at the Greek church (where the Greek Festival is held every year) made by a little ol Greek lady who can only say efxaristo (thank you) and make some mad awesome honey nut balls. (I said balls. And nut) I suppose we could call them by their real name, Loukoumades...

...but it makes me giggle to call them nut balls.

I ate the sampler plate which included a Greek salad (der), Moussaka, Dolma, Spanakopita and a roll, which I am not sure if it was Greek or not.

Step back was the shit!!

Oh...and here is something that totally made me laugh today:

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