Friday, October 16, 2009


Since the birth of things addictive, like Pong and Tetris, people have spent HOURS with technology. I have found various addictions on the internet (not THAT addiction...perv...unless you got something good, then e-mail me. J/K. Don't.) some of them being games, like Word Twist on Facebook or blogging. Newest addiction: Yahoo Answers.

I answer the pissinshitfuck out of like 30 questions a day! Retardiculous! I love it! I spew my molehill of knowledge out (mostly in the computer and internet category) and try and save the world one question at a time! In case you were wondering, and naturally you were, I am a Level 2 and I have 982 points with 30 best answers chosen by vote or by the person that asked the question.

If you have a specialty they have a category for you to answer in!! I think you will like it! Go take a gander!

Oh, and I came up with an AWESOME name for that bar me and my friends are going to open one day: "Monkey See, Monkey Brew"

FLIPPING GENIUS, AIN'T IT?!? Get it?!? Get it!!? Yes, genius. And I was completely sober when I came up with it. Crazy, right?

Please don't steal it.

Now go to Yahoo Answers and spread the madness!
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