Thursday, October 1, 2009

Over The Top!

I got this lovely "Over The Top" award yesterday from Sunshine...thanks girl!!

It is like a mini-meme - FUN!

I pass it along to the following peeps:

1. Annie at The Life and Times of the Biers Family, Part II. We have been friends since college and I lurve her thiiiiiiiisssssssssssss much! She also has a precious child named Matthew and wonderful husband named Mike and is pregers with kid number two!! The family in general is Over The Top!

2. Sandra at If Laughter is The Best Medicine. We went to high school together, though she was a year below me. Her husband, Brad, and I were in the same class and have known each other since 3rd grade. We played all kinds of sports together and she is absolutely one of my favorite people eva! She and Brad also have FOUR children. YES, FOUR. I am pretty sure she had all four before she was 25. That is for sure Over The Top!

3. Lasty, to Dawg at Dyked Out. The adventures of Dawg and Hottie are Over The Top. Stories of crazy ex's and motorcycle adventures and living in Canada...yep, Over The Top, Eh! Not to mention, I feel certain she can cut a bitch!

1. Where is your cell phone... Sitting on my desk

2. Your hair...growing long and getting on my damn nerves.

3. Your mother...I am assuming at work.

4. Your father...He should be at work too.

5. Your favorite food...Mexican food. And I am having it for lunch today!

6. Your dream from last night...I don't remember.

7. Your favorite drink...Beer for sure!

8. Your dream/ enjoy life as much as possible!

9. What room are you office.

10. What is your hobby...going to the beach, riding the motorcycle, travelling, going to concerts, karaoke.

11. What is your fear...not knowing. Drives me nuts sometimes!

12. Where do you want to be in 6 years...I would like to have finished school, be married and perhaps have some kids or something. If that doesn't work out, then doing what I am doing now is pretty fun!

13. Where were you last home watching shows with Bobby and Krystal.

14. Something you are not...afraid to speak in front of people.

15. Muffins?...Blueberry

16. Wish List to Europe and South America, go on a cruise.

17. Where did you grow up...Georgia

18. Last thing you did...Type Georgia. LOL, just kidding...finished up an Answer to a Complaint here at work.

19. What are you wearing...Pinstripe pants and a turtle neck.

20. Your at home.

21. Your Pets...ALL OF THEM?!? I only own two cats, Kitter and Boo Boo and three ferrets, Jacque, Wee Bit and Bubba.

22. Friends...A few close ones, lots of peeps I hang out with though!

23. Your life...always entertaining.

24. Your mood...little sleepy, but doin pretty good!

25. Missing someone...I miss people all the time!

26. Vehicle...2000 Mazda Protege...soon to be upgraded!

27. Something your not wearing...Pajamas. And I wish I was!

28. Your favorite store...New York and Company

29. Your favorite colors...Blue

30. When's the last time you laughed...Everyday!

31. When's the last time you cried...When Syber Kitty had to be put to sleep.

32. Your best friend...I have a few!!

33. One place you go over and over...Work and the bar.

34. One person who emails me regularly...People at work and my grandparents.

35. Favorite place to eat?...Carlito's Mexican Restaurant
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