Tuesday, October 27, 2009

RTT - Do You Have To Let It Linger?

I am really starting to feel the wear and tear today. Then again, I have been drinking since Wednesday of last week. I can do one of two thing: 1) not drink or a more probable 2) drink, but for the love of tiny baby children, go to bed before 1:00am.

I have a very, very, very small ache in my head. One that isn't even worth being called a headache. One that should just move on, it lingering is starting to piss me off.

Little Stryker Hawk (new kitten) has finally figured out what getting pet is all about. He is all UP in the business in the morning time. He is so freakin adorable you can't help but just rub his wee lil head. The power of cute made me late for work this morning.

I forgot to tell you, but remember when I wrote this about my brother Jacob? Yes, well they broke up. THANKFULLY. Completely crushed him. He didn't eat for a week. Mom said it broke his heart something terrible. Sad. I remember and it does hurt. ANYWHO, now he is trying to move out on his own. Wanna take a gander at how much money he makes in a week?


Does he have a car? No.
Does he have health insurance? No.
Does he make enough money to pay rent, car insurance, utilities, gas...NO.
Has he signed a lease and put down money on an apartment? YES.

Honestly, you guys, he is brilliant...but he is obviously in the retarded stage of brilliant right now.

OH! Speaking of brothers! My OTHER brother, the Coast Guard one, got engaged! To someone NOT named Jessica! To someone I LIKE! He bought her a two carat blue diamond engagement ring. I don't know the cut, but blue diamonds are sooooo pretty!!

Rundown of my new (and first) sister-in-law:

Name is Ana.
She is 22.
She is Latino.
She is pierced.
She is tattooed.
She likes beer.
She loves animals.
She is a bartender at the moment.
She is going to school and majoring in business management.
She apparently loves my brother.

Welp, I think we are gonna get along great. Let the family joining COMMENCE!
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