Thursday, October 29, 2009

That Time AGAIN?!?!

It appears to be the time of the year when sinus headaches arrive. Let it be known that I NEVER just GET a headache for no reason. It is usually self inflicted. BUT OH, during allergy season, the pain, the agony! I seriously cannot take that horrible pressure, like an angry leprechaun trying to escape through your eye socket and that bumpy bone that sits along side your nose.

Yes, right there on the right side of this guys face. Those cavities. Those are the ones that appear to have had evil leprechauns residing in them.

I had to take an additional hour this morning, therefore making me late to work. I went in and took some decongestant and did the lay slightly at an incline, tilted to the left (the side that didn't hurt) and wait. And sure enough, slight burning, then a little trickle and then POP! I thought my freakin eye had dislodged. Instant relief, followed by coughing from all the drainage, but praise Hey Zeus the pain was gone. Stupid snot blockages.

Thursday!! Oh, how grand!! The week started off slow then suddenly it is Thursday! I love when that happens. Considering going out tonight since the Bobz is off work tomorrow...I think we can get home at a decent time if we get down there at 9:00, sing some songs, drink some beer...yeah, I think we can make it home by 11:30. We shall see!

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