Thursday, August 27, 2009

New Orleans - Part II

I am so sorry these New Orleans blogs are so spread apart, but this whole moving offices thing has really kept me busy at work. WHAT? Working AT work? Helluva concept.

So, where was I at...ah, yes, New Orleans!

Nighttime hits New Orleans and we hit the dance clubs!

I attempted to take a picture with the Bobz, but right before I took this pic, he stabbed me in my eye with the tip of his ear. It was a direct shot. I have never been stabbed in the eye with an ear before. It hurt.

We found this awesome street brass band! We were super impressed with the skillz!

This is my "Praise Jey-sus" Move

Then Bobby got completely wasted and started making out with horses.

The next morning, Bobby and Krystal went down by the Mississippi and took some pictures

We later went down to Cafe du Monde and stuffed our faces with some Beignets.

I really enjoyed evidenced by these photos!

We then walked around and did tourist stuff

Yes, this sign says "Phychic Reading"

After we touristed, we went back to our room to freshen up and at some point got into a very deep discussion about all our deodorants. We started sniffing each others deodorants and eventually decided that it would make a pretty hilarious picture

After deoderant time, we headed back down to Bourbon Street for night two of drinking. Shortly upon enterering Bourbon Street, we come across these miniature horses. I. Freakin. Had. A. Fit. I was thiiiiisss close to grabbing one and sticking it in my pocket and high tailing it back to Georgia, but then I realized that it would be really hard to run with a horse in your pocket and a beer in your hand.

This picture was specifically taken for Andy, Bobby's cousin, who owns horses AND works on a ranch type place in South Carolina.

After this picture, Bobby's camera died. I now have to hunt down Larkin and steal her memory card from her camera so I can pick up story telling!
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