Monday, August 17, 2009

Weekend Review!

This weekend was straight up crazy.

It got started off because of some changes that happened here at work. My wonderfully awesome work friend (and good friend) of three years, Larkin, was laid off Friday.

We already had plans to go out with Michelle on Friday, so the jobless thing for Larkin just made for an extra specially drunk evening! Michelle has those pictures AND video (OH YES! KARAOKE VIDEO!!) that she will be sending to me soon, so I will go ahead and jump to Saturday.

Saturday. You know how you say, "Let's have a gathering and invite over a few people", then you invite like 6 people, but those 6 people bring people and also invite 10 more people and the next thing you know you are flinging out hot dogs and hamburgers left and right, people are breaking glasses, drinking all the liquor in the house, dancing naked in the living room, doing body shots on the kitchen table and the sun is starting to come up. Yeah, that was Saturday.

As I was sorting through the pictures, I noticed that Saturday night had a few themes.

First we had kissing:

The wind up...

And the smooch!

The classic "cover up the flash with your finger" shots:

Hands. Lots of hand gestures.

Open mouths

The party ended as the sun was coming up Sunday morning. I hopped in the bed, grabbed about 6 hours of sleep, went to IHOP, came home and cleaned the floors and then got in bed with Bobby to watch TV. Then, suddenly, about 7:00pm, a beer jumped in my hand. Again.

I am completely exhausted! Tonight, I rest.
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