Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Random Tuesday


Monday I had a follow up doctors appointment for my panic attack issue and all is well. I asked the doctor if I could quit taking the Celexa since it made me feel like I was a crack head and he granted me permission. So, I just have my Xanax by my side at all times in case anything happens. So far, so good! :)

I also had the Doc look at this wart that has been on my finger for like a year now. I have never had a wart before and for the first few months I thought I had a bad ass callus, but then it started hurting and growing and generally getting on my nerves. I tried some over the counter stuff, which did nothing. So he performed Cryosurgery. That word sounds so much sweeter than he froze the offending wart off. The Cryosurgery may have to be performed up to three times. This is after the first freezing:

It looked much more bad ass before he did some scraping and freezing. Now it just looks like a blood blister.

I also got a very interesting lesson on warts. They have their own vascular AND nerve supply.

Warts are basically like tumors! How weird is THAT? I had no idea.

As for Halloween...I must thank Kat for forwarding this to me. Not only did I almost fall out of my chair laughing at the picture, the caption had me in stitches! "Now You Too Can Look Like You've Got An Electrocuted Possum On Your Head" See, just typing that made me laugh again...ohhhh it hurts...stop it! Then reading the review on the wig in the first link..WOW. FUNNNNNNY!

So, really, I am going to get this for Halloween. You too can buy it!

Now for the rain storm I had to drive through on the WAY to the reunion AND back from the reunion. I am under the impression the storm just hung over I-16 all weekend and waited on me to come through.


Couldn't see 20 feet in front of me. On the picture to the left, there is a car up and on the right. See it? See how the yellow line on the right fades after a few feet?


Clear yellow line.

What We Drove Through For 162 Miles:

The camera phone made this picture look funky!

Whew. It was stressful!
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