Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Karaoke Videos!!!

Karaoke videos!! OH SNAP! I have actually never seen myself on stage via video before. I see that I like my hand movements. I just get in my gangsta flow, that's all.

So at the end of the Shoop video, some man of the darker ethnicity, who, hilariously, sung nothing but Country music during his karaoke performances, called me and Larkin Salt 'N' Salt. Obviously, we thought that was quite funny!

Then Michelle's friend Erica challenged me (I KNOW! What karaoke challenge?!? To ME?!?) to sing the Fresh Prince theme song. Pah-leeze! I had never done it karaoke before, but have sang it to my TV OH so many times!

As I understand, Michelle will have some videos and pictures of the above event up later today!! Be on the look out for it. Apparently in one of the videos I decided to teach everyone how to dance to "I'm On A Boat (Motherfucker)". I do recall waking up quite sore the next day...I can only assume it was from the dance lesson.
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