Tuesday, August 25, 2009

New Orleans - Part I

Last Thursday, the crew and I (that would be myself, the roommate Bobz, the girl Krystal and Larkin) decided to go to New Orleans for the weekend. We left Savannah about 6:00 in the afternoon, destination: De Funiak Springs, Florida.

Of course I pronounced it De Funked Springs because it just sounded better. De Funiak is approximately 6 hours and 11 minutes from Savannah. I figured we would make it there about 12:00am - NAY! Totally forgot about the time change! So we actually got there at 11:00pm, which is a totally reasonable hour to down a few beers!

After check-in at the lovely America's Best Value, we headed to Wal-Mart to pick up some beer. We enjoyed the brews till around 12:30am and decided to call it a night.

We woke up at 8:00am, got some coffee and headed to the Waffle House. Oh how I love the Waffle House!

After eating, we once again hit the road, as we had an additional 4 hours to drive before we arrived in New Orleans.

We encountered some pretty bad weather on the way to New Orleans...the kind where you have to go 30mph on the interstate because you can't see ten feet in front of you. However, the storms did produce a pretty bad ass rainbow:

We arrived in New Orleans at approximately 2:04pm and found our destination: the French Quarter Guest House. Just so you know, Mama Dawg is the one that hooked us up with this AWESOME place! Thank you SO MUCH! It was PERFECT!

This is the courtyard. Anytime you have a chance to make your boobs look bigger, take it! And I don't have a mullet, though I have noticed that when I grow my hair out it tends to take the shape of a mullet at times.

So during the off season, and I guess some during the on season, the people who live on the premises are mostly strippers. Needless to say, I was in heaven. All two strippers I met were fabulously kind! YAY!

While Larkin and Bobby were setting up in the room, Krystal and I headed to the nearest corner grocery to obtain some adult barley beverages. We spent the next 30 minutes roaming around trying to find said grocery. Turns out we made a left out of the hotel when we should have made a right. We finally find the place and they only take cash. So we head up the next block and find another grocery. They do indeed have beer, but they have also decided to cram a restaurant, a convenient store, as well as a liquor store in the space of about 300 square feet. This is apparently not uncommon in New Orleans, as we found many of the other shops to be the same. I guess we kinda have something like that in the South, but we call it a Gas, Bait and Bible store. No, really, I have seen one of those.

So we attempt to get a 12 pack from the bottom of a cooler that was crammed in a hallway. On one side is an ice chest, the middle is where you walk and on the other side is the beer fridge. It was so tightly crammed that you couldn't open the beer fridge door all the way and the beer was so tightly crammed that you actually couldn't get it out. We settled on bottles since we could lift those out. Anything for a cold one, ya know!

After having a few beers back at the hotel we decide to head out on the town. We were pretty hungry, so our first stop was Margaritaville.

It was here at Margaritaville that Bobby discovered the Muffuletta. He was so impressed that he had two more (at other resaurants) before the end of the trip AND bought some olive salad so he can make his own. I have to say, it was a bombdiggity sandwich!

We then made our way down to Bourbon Street

Within moments of arriving on Bourbon Street we found a karaoke bar. We are like magnets to those places! So this place is the famous Cat's Meow. It wasn't even the karaoke that drew us to this place, it was three for one beer. SNAP! That's how to do beer specials people!! As you can tell from this photos, I am quite excited about it!

SO before you know it, Larkin and I are on stage rappin out our favorite song, "Shoop".

The rule in this karaoke bar was that if you got up to sing a song that didn't have the words on the screen (they didn't have Shoop karaoke, so we asked the DJ to play just the song) is that the Em Cee has to get up and sing it with you. That is Rebecca up on stage with us. She actually didn't know the words and we pretty much blew her mind with our white rapness! For the second time in our Shoop career, Larkin and I were called Salt N' Salt. SO FUNNY!

After leaving the Cat's Meow, we headed across the street to the Krazy Korner. Krazy is right! These people were bumpin! There was a man playing spoons, a man on a bass guitar, a man on a lead guitar, a man playing drums, a man playing the washboard and a very large, should have been the bouncer, black manly man playing the accordion. The sound was like no other I have ever heard.

After playing a few songs, the band decided to have a dance contest...naturally, one cannot pass up such a contest, so for the second time within an hour of being on Bourbon Street, I was on stage once again.

See that lady lauging behind me? Yeah, she totally humped me right after this picture was taken. Thank you strange lady, it was strangely hot!

I actually was not part of the original group of girls that got up on stage, but was later challenged by the accordion player to come up on stage as the 6th contestant. I totally took the challenge (obviously), but gave all the props to the other girls and exited the stage before the voting began.

I mean, really, is it fair to beat out women that are my mother's age?!? OH!! And I failed to mention that we saw not ONE, but TWO sets of ta-tas from two of the women on stage. They were AT LEAST my Mother's age. I was mortified.

Whew, I have typed enough for today...and to think, at this point we had ONLY been in New Orleans for about 4 hours. The night ended after about 10 hours of drinking...soooo...

More to come soon!!
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