Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Sneezing and Wheezing

I am pretty sure my face is going to fall off. Let it be known, I HATE ALLERGIES!

It all started Friday with what I thought was a killer hangover...then I realized that hangovers aren't usually accompanied by a scratchy throat and vertigo (though some hangovers can certainly cause the dizzies!) By noon I knew it was something more and took the rest of the day off.

I was walking around with my eyes shielded so I only looked forward...this helped avoid the dizziness I was experiencing. I got home, laid down, turned on the TV and discovered that even the TV made me nauseous to look at. Laying on my right seemed to allow my ears to drain properly. By Saturday the nausea was gone, but my head felt like a balloon and I needed a throat transplant. It was about this time that I had the revelation of WHO THE FUCK GET SICK ON THE WEEKEND?!? I do believe this could have started, perhaps, on Tuesday.

I had a big weekend planned too! Saturday was Pride in Savannah. I did manage to get out there for about two hours, and though the beer was cold and felt good on my throat, I couldn't taste it and after the second one (I KNOW, WTF?!? Jessica only drank TWO BEERS?!?) I was ready to go.

I didn't even get to see Tiffany get on stage. Yes, THAT Tiffany.

However, there were a few photos taken, I just don't have access to them right now.

But I give you this...my "I am going to die any minute now, especially if I sneeze one more damn time" face(s)

I look like that animated character on the Puff's commercial. And that is exactly what I need...Puffs...this two ply POS tissue they have at the office isn't even soft enough for my butt, let alone my face!
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