Thursday, August 6, 2009

Happy Award to ME!

I got an award! Dance with me now...booom booom pow you trying to copy my swagger
I'm on that next shit now...

Big shout out to the Black Eye Peas who help me clean the house with their fantastic and captivating beats...but now on to ME.

Award! From Kat! Who lives across the pond! Who hears people ACTUALLY say Bloody Brilliant! How fun is THAT?!?

Thanks Kat! XOXOXOXO!!

I pass this here award on to

Jes at Russo Family Adventures It is to encourage her to blog at least weekly. What do you mean you have a one year old child and you are busy?!? LAME-O! OH, and I give her this award because she is totally informative about organic eating and inspired me to Google organic beer...and guess what?!? They make ORGANIC BEER! How wonderful is THAT?!

The next award goes to

Pearl! Because she makes me laugh on a daily basis. And she likes beer. And hates loud kids in her ally way.


M-Dawg at Two Dogs Running...because she has hit a rough spot lately in the blog world...and I am here to encourage. Plus, she just got a cute lil doggie-poo!!!!

And Lastly:

Shane Rocket at Rocket Ramble Her badassery in artistic things makes me want to be artistic. But I will just leave that to her!
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