Monday, August 3, 2009

Reunions, Beers, Biers and Kittens

The ten year class reunion was a BLAST! So good to see those peeps again! We had such a good time back in high school...stands to reason we would have a good time ten years later!

Big shout out to Mama Dawg and Sassy for donating to the cause! LOVES YA!

Here are some of the many pictures from the won't know any of these people, except probably me and Krystal, but enjoy nonetheless!

Hard to believe we are all Christian school graduates with all the drinkin and smokin...ahhh, makes me so proud!

I also got to see The Biers Family. Annie and I have been friends since college. She moved to Seattle and lived there for four years or so and has now moved back to Middle Georgia, so Krystal and I went to see her, her husband Mike and their son Matthew. He is just toooooooo precious! Annie is also preggers with her second child. Much to my delight (NOT) they are not disclosing the sex or any potential names of the baby.

Matthew is in the middle of potty training, as all awesome people do, we take pictures of this event. I captured a glimpse of manliness:

The ever so sweet man butt scratch whilst peeing. I tell ya, the kid catches on quick!

Bobby got his kitten this weekend!! Prepare yourself. You are about to see the most precious thing you will see today! Meet Stryker Hawk

Stryker is a five week old marble bengal cat mixed with tabby. He is going to have some AWESOME markings when he looses his kitten fur. He is probably the SWEETEST kitten I have ever met. Loves to snuggle and get already giving kisses back! He is PRECIOUS!!
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