Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Karaoke - Pt 2 (More Pictures AND Video!)

Today is your lucky day!! TODAY, and only TODAY (because tomorrow you would have to click on yesterday's post)

Michelle has posted a blog containing some hilarious pictures, video and aptly named Drunken Downtown Debauchery.

Would you like to learn how to properly dance to "I'm on a Boat"? This dance instruction is complete with the dance move "Ride a horse, slap it's ass" and the classic "Sprinkler".

What the heck are you still doing here?!? Go check out Michelle's post!

P.S. Sunshine gave me an AWARD!!

She is semi-new to bloggy land, but I most definitely enjoy her blogs! Plus she lives in the Cayman Islands! WHAT?!? I know! Thank you dah-lin!!!
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