Monday, September 29, 2008

Paddle Faster, I Hear Banjos!

This past weekend me, Krystal, Bobby and Andy went to Lenoir, North Carolina. If you care to pronounce that properly, it is “Leeeee-nor, Noooorrrth Cara-lieee-nuuuuh”

Srsly. I thought MY family had accents…um, no. We have often times commented on my wonderful roommate Bobby’s accent, (take a riiiiighhht at the liiiiight) but never have I been surrounded by so many people that sound just like him! I missed 5% of the conversations I was in, which isn’t too bad considering. Krystal and her poor Yankee self…I don’t think she understood anything!

Let’s review (and I will translate) some conversations between me and Bobby’s relatives in the hills of North Carolina:

“Jay-see-ka, tail me ‘gin whut you dewww for ‘a-livin?”

Which I can interpret to “Jessica, would you mind telling me, again, what it is that you do exactly, as far as work is concerned, down in Savannah, Georgia?”

“You lyyke ‘tater sah-lid?”

Translation: “Hey hot stuff, as a connoisseur of foods, how does your palate feel about potato salad?”

“What you gurls think ‘bout dis hur shin-dig? Right nyyyce ain’t it?”

Translation: “Fuckin-a this is a damn good party we are having!”

Now for the quote of the weekend.

Set-up: Me, Krystal, Bobby and Andy are getting ready for Bobby’s Mom’s surprise birthday party. The rest of the family has just taken Bobby’s Mom and loaded her up in the vehicle, telling her they need to go somewhere. Dale, Bobby’s brother busts back in the door:

“SHEEET, Momma fer-got her damn teeth again”

I almost fell out I was laughing so hard!

I LOVE living in the South and absolutely adore Bobby’s family, accents and all!! I had a great weekend! Enjoy the pictures!

Safe Driving 101

Andy and his cute self!


Bobby and his hot self!

Bobby, his brother Dale, Dale's son Nathaniel, and their Mom and Dad

There isn't alot to do we made up some game with this ring...

Hot Peeps!

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