Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Labor Day Weekend

You know people get to be all 40 years old and shit and do something that really takes them back and they are all like, “Oh I feel like I am 18 again!” That happened to me this weekend…14 years early…but that’s OK!

Me and the crew went to the club. Pictured below back row, from left to right, Andy, Leslie, Me, bottom row, left to right, Krystal and Bobby.

Like the club, club. Not the bar. Not a bar with a jukebox. THE CLUB. The club where you can’t hear a damn thing anyone says to you and you dance to music that you haven’t heard in almost 10 years. THAT club. Oh.my.gah. I had SO MUCH FUN!

First of all, we went on a whim. That makes it more fun. We saw the Cabaret which is always an interesting show

…played some pool and then made our way to the dance floor. I have not danced that much since I was 18. We danced for 1 ½ hours without stopping AND we shut the place down!! I was so excited! I haven’t shut a place down since…well, since I was 18! I noticed I am no longer able to do certain things after dancing so much, namely WALK the next day. Or do anything really. OK, OK, I will be honest; I couldn’t walk or do anything for TWO days. I just got out of bed this morning to come to work; otherwise it would have been a three day ordeal. My body cannot take such a workout! Alas, we are planning on doing it again in another week. Our excuse is that it was good exercise.

I am thankful we brought a camera; otherwise I wouldn’t have these awesome photos to show for it!

Bobby is executing the “floss” technique here…which is a RIOT. We are also standing on the highest box in the entire club, so allllllll of the people could watch. It was approximately 112 degrees in there, so that is why we are half naked. (Well, I usually get half naked anyway, but this time I had a good excuse)

Tickling Bobby?!? Not sure.

This is the face that I seem to make when dancing. It was a theme throughout the pictures.

I actually licked her cheek after the click. Hilarious!

I love how me and Bobby have the same dancing mouth in this picture! The typical white person danceing mouth. Love it!

Ahhh, the roommates. Bobby, Krystal and Me

Me and Krystal. I was most certainly lit by this point in time.

My handsome men...me, Andy and Barry.

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