(for larger pictures, click on photos)
After work we went to Wild Wing Café…here is most of the firm.
At some point in time, OK, actually the entire time, there was a debate among three of the attorneys about who could drink 6 beers and run 6 miles the fastest without puking. This debate has been going on for quite some time actually. I remember the LAST time we all got together they were talking about it.
Apparently they decided to do a warm up round because they chugged some beer and all took off running. I have no idea where they went, but I can tell you Beverly won.
Sorry the video is so shaky…’tis the way of the camera phone…though we do have some still shots of them going and coming back.
The night was completed with some karaoke…which is always a good time! I don’t remember the ride home, nor going to bed, but I sure knew when I woke up this morning that I had a good time! Thank goodness for pictures!
Taking a shot...
I don't like Tequila.
Scope the vid taken...LOL!