I feel certain I have written on this topic in the past, but it merits mentioning again.
This weekend is Pride in Savannah.
A group of folks, known as homosexuals, get together to be prideful of who they are and celebrate their various causes. Many of these causes I agree with, but do not take active participation in. I am very much for equality, but not just for gays, lesbians, blacks, Asians, Mexicans…I am about it for all people of all walks of life. I am very much for human rights. I am very much for respect.
I do not sport the gay flag, nor do I sport the Christian flag
or the Rebel flag
(even though I sure wouldn't mind seeing the above flag around town...giggity giggity)
Each of these flags are a part of who I am...but the labels. The ideas behind what they represent...they allow for too much judgment to be passed and you tend to look at the symbol instead of the person.
I think my aversion to being part of a group and/or organization all started my first day of school. I went to a private Southern Baptist school from day one until I graduated. I found that in the outside world, if I was to mention said school I went to; automatic assumptions were thought about me. I was labeled because that is what the world likes to do.
The world likes to use labels because it makes it easier to attack, judge, size up, assume…etc.
Read these words and think about what comes to mind:
Child Abuser
I can tell you my first thoughts on each of these words, which in many ways conflict with the other labels put on me.
Democrat: how I am voting this election. I am registered as a Republican.
Republican: my entire family. Stout Republicans.
Immigrant: my boss was an immigrant. So was my great-great-great grandparents. Illegal at that.
Child Abuser: should be killed on the spot.
Christian: I am one. A very liberal one at that!
Atheist: some of my best friends are Atheist. I love them dearly.
Murderer: should be put to death.
Rapist: should be put to death.
Sinner: poor label that is used to explain away human nature
Looser: your momma.
It was just getting too serious, so I had to throw that in there.
The reason I did the list was to show how contradicting it would seem to most people (who rely on labels) to ascertain what GROUP and/or ORGANIZATION I belong to.
A presumptuous person would question how in sweet baby Jesus’ name can you call yourself a Christian, be gay AND be a Democrat! Don’t you know that the Christians believe this and the gays believe this and the Democrats are the root of all that is evil in this country?!?
To that, my fellow friend, I answer you this: I am, above all, a person; a person who is made up of so many complicated thoughts, emotions and ideas that you cannot possibly expect me to conform to any one group and each of their ideals. Impossible.
So you are telling me that you believe that you can be a Christian, be gay, vote Democrat, believe in the death penalty and hang out with people who are not of your religious beliefs!?!
That is SO what I am telling you!
Label: lesbian. That isn’t who I am, that is part of who I am. It is the title that was forced upon me when I decided to enter into a same sex relationship with a female. Before I made that decision to accept that part of me I was in a heterosexual relationship with someone that was older than I was. People said he was my sugar daddy. He was called a cradle robber. Labels, labels, labels.
So can you be a lesbian and still be attracted to males? SURE! I am! I just can’t connect with them on many, many levels in life. It doesn’t mean that when I see a hot chunk of man that my head doesn’t turn. (HELLO! Vin Diesel!)
When it comes to that mental connection, I am unable to maintain a relationship with a man. I can most certainly say sex with man is enjoyable, but that goes away when you cannot connect in the other aspects of the relationship. Besides, those parts that makes the sex enjoyable can be purchased at your local adult superstore and let me tell you…there is nothing like going and shopping for the right equipment…bom chicka waaa waaa!
Side note: there was a guy hitting on me in a club once, dancing all up on me all sly like and doing that “dance move” where they try and fling you across the dance floor by doing that pelvic thrust thing and after about the 8th time his pelvis gyrated on my backside in a non-dancing, or even the least bit desirable manner, I turned around, brought him real close and whispered all sexy like in his ear that I had things in my nightstand that were bigger than him and to quit fucking poking me in the ass with that pitiful excuse for a dick. Thanks.
He didn’t dance with me anymore after that.
I typically am not one for making fun of anyone’s manhood, I totally understand about it not being about the size of the ship, but all about the motion in the ocean, but SHIT, if you are gonna try and use the damn thing to pick someone up, please make it impressive!
How did I get on this subject?
Oh yes, about that whole label thing…so yeah, I am totally all about dick…just not when it is attached to man. I am still a lesbian though. Doesn’t even make me bi!
How do you feel about labels? What kind of grief or relief have they brought you in life? Do you feel labels are overused or overrated?