Wednesday, September 3, 2008

This Shit is WAY to Serious for me!

So strange the things in life. A close friend of mine is going through some shit right now…and I myself go through shit on a daily basis. Life is just so full of shit sometimes, and it is so hard to decipher what you should put up with, what is right for you and just how far you should take certain things.

Love. Such a strange word. It is short and sweet and has a lot of power, much like a lot of the 4 letter words I use on a daily basis.

For many, many years now, since high school actually, since my obsession with the idea of love came about, I have always relied on these words to explain to me what REAL love is:

Love is always patient;
Love is always kind;
Love is never envious or arrogant with pride;
Nor is she conceited, and she is never rude;
She never thinks just of herself or ever gets annoyed.
She never is resentful; is never glad with sin, but always glad to side with truth, whenever the truth should win.
She bears up under everything, believes the best in all, there is no limit to her hope, and she will never fall.
Love never fails.
Right now three things remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love.

(Interesting how the word “love” takes on a feminine classification. Odd? I. think. not.)

Then there is a separation of the use of the word love. Much like my favorite word fuck can be used in many variations like, “Fuck that!” Or “Fuck’in ay, that is the shit!” or “How the fuck are ya?!” Love is equally as versatile as a verb, adjective, noun and all those other silly grammatical words I paid absolutely NO attention to when I was in school.

We can HAVE love for someone.

We can BE in love with someone.

We can FALL in love with someone.

Any one of those things still permit you to utter the words, “I love you” and it still be absolutely true.

When you HAVE love for someone you love things about them; you have love for aspects of them. HAVING love for someone can be an almost instantaneous process. It is that feeling you get when you are around someone and that spark or that attraction is instant; also known as love at first site. This can either be romantic or platonic. Sometimes both.

To BE in love with someone is to know everything about their lives, good, bad, indifferent. It is a love that is grown. It isn’t instant like HAVING love for someone. BEING in love takes time and it begins with HAVING love for someone and moving on to BEING in love with them.

FALLING in love is typically a bad term. Look at the term itself…FALLING. No one likes to fall. Falling represents a sense of not being in control; you are vulnerable and eventually going to come into contact with something that is going to stop that falling motion.

I think it should be called SLIDING into love…yes, sliding is a much more admirable term. Like Slip and Slide…everyone loved those things! Except, of course, when you tripped on that insanely tall piece of grass and come tumbling down, knocking the breath out of yourself and unable breathe for 10 minutes. Not so fun then…and yes, that MAY have happened to me!

For me, love is something that you should be thankful for no matter how it comes to you. Whether it be in the HAVE, BE, FALLING or SLIDING approach. I welcome all love in my life. I am communicative with mine…I like to let people know that I love them.

So tell me…what makes YOU love someone?

(Next weeks convo: Love vs. Lust) :)
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