Wednesday, January 6, 2010

In Remembrance...

To Bobz Mom, Diane: (who passed around 10:30 last night) rest in peace. My last memory of you was of you giving me a hug in our hallway on your way back to North Carolina. Thank you for making my last memory such a good one.

To Bobz: I love you so, so, so very much!!!!!! This is going to be a fairly long journey for you. No matter how much you prepare yourself, the feelings of loss are inescapable.

The wonderful thing is that these feelings you feel will pass.

With just the right mix of Xanax, friends and beer (and the mix should only be Xanax and friends or friends and Xanax and beer, we aren't in freakin college anymore and we all know that is bad for your liver or kidneys or something...GAH the things we did to ourselves...) you will find yourself over that hump in no time. Much, much love.

Bobby's brother Dale on left, father in back, Bobby on right, Nathaniel (Dale's son, Bobz nephew) on Diane's lap

Bobby?!? What is your hair doing?!?! LOL!

Ready for the beach! (Her favorite place to be!)
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