Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Let's See...Get Off The Boat and Then...

Brother Joseph has returned to Key West from his tour of the Caribbean and Haiti. Haiti was an unintentional stop off, as they were actually on their way back to Key West, but when our troops are needed, they are needed!

He said it was pretty horrific. Lots of body parts, lots of bodies, lots of people buried. He and his crew were part of many rescues. He spent a little time, when he was younger, as a fire fighter and in EMT training. He is a Certified Nursing Assistant as well. Of course nothing he was doing in then was anything compared to the medical care he had to provide in Haiti. He said he learned alot, but never wants to reattach body parts again. I couldn't agree more, which is why I only like to WATCH doctor shows, not actually DO doctor stuff.

So, what does one do upon returning after being out at sea for two months?!? Get tattoos! Naturally!

Here is brother Joe getting nautical stars on his chest. I am more of a non-traditional/non-fad tattoo kinda gal, but if he likes them, I like them. Plus, he is nautical most of the time, right?!

Ana said he looks like a traffic light. LMAO!

I keep forgetting that he isn't 12 years old anymore. The fur on his chest gave it away.

Welcome home Bro Joe! Love you! Miss you! See you in a few weeks!!

P.S. Brother Joseph and wife/new sister-in-law Ana will be visiting yours truly in the middle of February. Prepare yourself for drunken debauchery galore!
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