Thursday, January 28, 2010

Feel Good Music

Kat tagged me in a MeMe for "Best Feel-Good Song".

If you ever get to know me, one of my many useless talents is knowing the lyrics to literally hundreds of songs. I can't remember the grocery list to save my life. Lyrics stick with me as does most music...I just freakin LOVE music!

There are so many "Feel-Good Songs" for me...however, whenever I want to fucking rock out and want to feel good then I turn to Collective Soul. I think "Heavy" is going to have to be the one that makes me feel most kick ass awesome.

Feel free to listen to it here.

I think it really makes me feel good because it brings back the memories of the concerts I have gone to, many of them they open the show with this song. There is nothing like hearing that first guitar riff.

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