Friday, January 22, 2010

Old Skool!

My posting is slacking. I blame work. I usually do a scheduled post during lunch, but lately, lunch has been spent working...and not so much lunching and blogging.

An old coach of mine mailed me some awesome back in the day middle school/high school pictures of me playing softball (HA! I just typed software), soccer, basketball and one random one. Peep.

The above picture is me at the Omni in Atlanta. We got to play a game on the Atlanta Hawks court. I believe I got in for a total of 5 minutes...but I scored 3 points during that time. WHAT!

GOALIE, BITCHES! My uniform was a diversion tactic. It didn't work. We got our asses handed to us on the daily.

I can pretty much guarantee my arm does not bend that way anymore.

We had to wear the old jerseys from the baseball team. That is why my shirt is approximately 15 sizes bigger than I am.

First of all, how awesome is my Mickey Mouse sweatshirt? And combined with the full length jean skirt...WILDLY popular at my very, very Southern Baptist school and with the Amish! That is Brian sitting on the left and his sister Beth on the right. This picture was taken about 13 years ago. HA!
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