Monday, January 11, 2010

Muttled Monday

This is going to be my last mention of weather until the next time...

But it is going to be freakin 68 degrees this Saturday! 68!!!! THANK YOU OH BLESSED WONDROUS WEATHER GODDESSES! After it getting down to 17 degrees last night...seventeen in case you missed that...I am so very much looking forward to a proper Southern Winter.

Does anyone know why my ctrl + v and ctrl + c, or just using the right click copy and paste, just randomly quit working? It doesn't matter what program I am in, on occation they will just refuse to work. The only way I have found to correct it is to reboot. I am sure I just hit a sequence of buttons wrong or something, but I'll be damned if I know what that sequence is. I am a hotkey fool.

Bobz has me feeding virtual fish. I can't stop you Fishville!!!

Wish I had more on the entertainment front, but alas, nothing. When it is this cold we hunker down and watch shows. We started on Dexter. Interesting.

See ya tomorrow my lovahs!
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